Rights and position of women in Serbia


TITLE: Minutes of the Second Assembly of the United Serbian Youth
DESCRIPTION: Laza Kostić is against the assembly declaring women equal to men
SOURCE: Zastava, 17.08.1867, p. 2
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Fifth Youth Assembly
DESCRIPTION: Youth recognizes the complete equality of men and women
SOURCE: Zastava, September 2, 1870, p. 4
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Legal draft on the majority of women
DESCRIPTION: A woman comes of age when she gets married, and unmarried women at the age of 24
SOURCE: Zastava, 21 May 1874, p. 3
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Sheet
DESCRIPTION: About the article "On the opposites of male and female nature" published in the magazine "Sokol"
SOURCE: Zastava, 27 October 1878, p. 2
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: The importance of women in our national economy
DESCRIPTION: The importance of women in our national economy
SOURCE: Težak, 22/04/1890, p. 122-124
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Ministry of Military
SOURCE: Službeni vojni list, 24 April 1899, p. 488
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: The role of women in protecting public health
DESCRIPTION: Woman as guardian of public health
SOURCE: Nova Iskra, 01.06.1902, p. 172-174
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Evidence in a criminal offence
DESCRIPTION: Who can be experts for examining women
SOURCE: Policijski glasnik, 19 August 1907, p. 276, 277
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Instructions for police and municipal authorities
DESCRIPTION: About the rape of women, and the rape of a man's face by women
SOURCE: Policijski glasnik, 19 August 1907, p. 276, 277
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: On the women's issue
DESCRIPTION: A real woman in Serbia
SOURCE: Ženski svet, 01.10.1908, p. 220-222
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: A woman in law
DESCRIPTION: Legal position of women
, 01.02.1911, p. 76-82
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Belgrade women for universal suffrage
DESCRIPTION: The struggle of women in Belgrade for the right to vote
, 01.03.1911, p. 192
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Serbian National Women's Union in Serbia
DESCRIPTION: Serbian National Women's Association in Serbia
, 01.04.1911, p. 256, 257
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Women's struggle for equality and Serbian women
DESCRIPTION: Serbian women and the fight for women's emancipation
, 01.06.1913, p. 341-346
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Equality of women
DESCRIPTION: Women will become much better when they get equality in the family
, 01.03.1914, p. 180, 181
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Family and its property
DESCRIPTION: About the position of women in the Serbian peasant house. A woman is not equal to a man in any sense
SOURCE: Beogradske novine, 31.01.1918, p. 1
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Woman before the Civil Code in Serbia
DESCRIPTION: A woman before the Civil Code in Serbia
SOURCE: Ženski pokret, 01.11.1921, pp. 337-344
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Women before the Civil Code in Croatia and Slavonia
DESCRIPTION: A woman before the Civil Code in Croatia and Slavonia
SOURCE: Ženski pokret, 01.11.1921, pp. 344-451??????
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Women's movement here and abroad
DESCRIPTION: Women's movement in our country and in the world
SOURCE: Ženski pokret, 01.01.1922, p. 19-27
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Can a woman get a personal right
DESCRIPTION: Electoral law
SOURCE: Policija, 01.02.1924, p. 94, 95
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: About a Croatian woman
DESCRIPTION: About the work, rights and position of women in Croatia
SOURCE: Ženski pokret, 15.06.1925, p. 213-220
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: The first female agitators in Arandjelovac throw out the slogans of a female political party
DESCRIPTION: The first female agitators in Arandjelovac throw out the slogans of a female political party
SOURCE: Vreme, 23 August 1927, p. 6
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: The beginnings of feminism in Serbia
DESCRIPTION: The women's issue of the seventies in our country
SOURCE: Ženski pokret, September 1, 1933, p. 91-94
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Serbian woman of the last century as a wife
DESCRIPTION: A Serbian woman of the last century as a wife
SOURCE: Beogradske opštinske novine, July 1, 1937, p. 444, 445
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Without women's right to vote, there is no democracy
DESCRIPTION: Without women's right to vote, there is no democracy
SOURCE: Vreme, 29/10/1939, p. 7
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs

TITLE: Folk beliefs about conception and inheritance
DESCRIPTION: Folk beliefs about conception and inheritance
SOURCE: Vreme, 06.01.1941, p. 21
URL: http://istorijskenovine.unilib.rs



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